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How To Regain That Solid Erection Without Endangering Your Life With Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

If you are facing problems getting a hard-on, you are not alone. There are over 30 million men of all ages suffering from Erection Dysfunction (ED) today. Erectile Dysfunction often happens when a man reaches the dreaded age of 40 but can happen sooner in some cases.

Given that so many men are facing the problem today, it is no wonder that ED drugs like Viagra are in hot demand. While ED drugs like the blue pill can indeed give you some reprieve, so to speak, they also come with severe and often serious side effects that you must be aware of.

These bad side effects include :-
1. heart attack
2. stroke
3. priapism (painful erections due to prolong and uncontrollable erections)

If Prescription ED drugs are so dangerous, where else can you turn to for help? This article will give you the lowdown how to get that hard erection you had before (or always wanted to have) without risking your life on risky Erectile Dysfunction drugs.

The non-prescription alternative to ED drugs

Thanks to the wonderful combination of alternative medicine and modern science, it is now possible for you to get access to the healing powers of ancient herbs in a tablet – a herbal male aphrodisiac pill. In the past, you will need to gather these herbs one by one and extract the essence out of them. Now, due to advances in botanical sciences, you can get the best of these herbs in a pill form.

Such herbal erectile pills are usually made of herbs that are traditionally used to boost a man’s virility, sexual prowess and erectile strength. Herbs such as Horny Goat Weed, Panax Ginseng ,Saw Palmetto Berry ,Muira Pauma Bark Extract, etc are very potent yet safe. They can help you regain your erectile strength without any know negative side effects.

But you need to know that herbal erectile supplements do not work in the same manner as prescription ED drugs. Let’s take a look at how such herbal enhancers work vs Erection Dysfunction drugs like Viagra :-

Erection Dysfunction drugs Vs herbal erectile pills

1. Erectile Dysfunction drugs release chemicals into your bloodstream which consequently give a signal to your brain to pump more blood to your penis. This increased supply of blood into the penis chambers will give you an almost instantaneously erection that can last for hours. But because of the presence of such chemicals, you get nasty side effects. Furthermore it is not a long term solution.

2. Herbal erectile pills, on the other hand, do not give you an instant hard-on. Instead, they work to nourish your sexual system, making bloodflow easier, thus facilitating harder erections when you are aroused by an external stimulus or an internal stimulus (like an erotic thought). Herbal pills are not quick fix solutions but rather a longer term remedy. Besides improving your erection, these pills are also beneficial to your prostate and can increase your semen and sperm production.

As you can see, herbal erectile pills work very differently from Erectile Dysfunction drugs. They are not instant solutions but they are safer to use and are beneficial to your overall sexual health. If you need a quick fix desperately, you can opt for ED drugs, provided your health permits.

But if you prefer a safer, saner approach, then herbal erectile pills could be for you. The choice is really yours so think carefully before making a decision. And yes, you do need to do your own research if you want to find the best herbal erection pill.

Don’t have time to do your own research? Get this free erection ebook where you can find more details on herbal pills and such. And also read this review of VigRx Plus – the #1 rated herbal erection pill.

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